
Central America and Caribbean



At Royal Decameron CORNWALL BEACH we give the highest priority to the prevention of Incidents and to safeguard health and safety of our workers. We are fully committed to conducting our business activities safely and efficiently while ensuring the welfare of all people in our facilities and those who may be affected by our activities. In order to fulfil our commitment, our aim is to:

  1. Provide a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and contractors, through the implementation and maintenance of systems to prevent any risk in our activities.
  2. Protect and maintain the highest level of physical and mental well-being of all workers through advocacy and prevention, seeking to minimize accidents and occupational diseases.
  3. Comply with corporate policies and procedures and all applicable local laws and regulations.
  4. Maintain open channels of effective communication with our employees, contractors, customers, the community and all people who work with us.
  5. Providing the necessary resources for instruction, training and supervision to ensure the occupational health and safety of all our employees when executing their job.
  6. Plan, review and evaluate our performance in health and safety against any measurable objectives and best industry practices and promoting continuous improvement.
  7. To continually identify, assess and check health and safety risks as well as to conduct external risk assessment and to implement the preventive measures where necessary.
  8. Investigate, monitor and openly report our performance in health and safety. Every person working for the company is responsible for demonstrating safety behaviors and to report any possible risks to themselves and others. Leadership will be responsible and accountable for compliance with our health and safety goals, which defines clearly the roles and responsibilities of health and safety. We are dedicated in providing adequate resources, assessments, reviewing and continuously improving the performance of "Royal Decameron Cornwall Beach”

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