
Central America and Caribbean



At Royal Decameron CLUB CARIBBEAN we are aware of the impact our operations have on the environment. We believe it is our responsibility to not only minimize our environmental impact, but also to consider an environmental policy as an integral part of our operational strategy.

In an effort to adopt environmentally conscious attitudes, we have established several measures with which we can preserve our natural resources and seek to prevent pollution or any other negative impact on our environment. Our aim is to:

  • Involve, educate, and train all staff on environmental issues making them more knowledgeable on impacts associated with poor environmental practices and to instil a sense of environmental responsibility among all persons involved in the operation which include our Staff, Clients and Subcontractors.
  • Assess environmental impact of all our activities and products, and seek to eliminate any that pose harm to the environment when economically and operationally practical.
  • Reduce waste going to the landfill by minimizing the amount of waste produced by reusing materials when possible as well as recycling other wastes in a safe manner.
  • Purchase and use environmentally friendly, safe and recyclable products from environmentally responsible suppliers who emphasizes the need for renewable energy supplies.
  • Implement the following methods to improve energy usage: Upgrade hotel lighting to include motion sensors that ensure light is being utilized only when necessary. Use Energy Saving light bulbs and appliances as replacements or upgrades when needed.
  • Utilize low-flow aerators in sinks and showerheads as a means of conserving water.
  • Take measures to decrease harmful releases in to the environment by correctly disposing of hazardous substances.
  • Communicate our environmental policy to Visitor, Staff, Clients and Subcontractors to encourage their support.
  • Comply with environmental legislation, and strive to follow best practices.
  • Seek continuous advancement by monitoring progress and remaining proactive. The environmental policy and its objectives will be periodically reviewed to ensure full compliance and consistency.